The Tiffin Tin

What\’s in your lunchbox?

About the Tin

with 6 comments

We all have to eat. And sometimes we have to eat away from home. This is a site devoted to that need. It’s a Lunchbox Blog.

You’ll find packed lunches and ideas for what to put in a packed lunch. Reviews of great storage containers: tupperware, insulated thermoses, korean lock-n-lock boxes, American lunchboxes. Ms. Bento thermoses. More lunchbox notes (free, naturally) than you’ll know what to do with. Nutritional chatter, with an emphasis on balance, rather than obsessively getting every bite right. And recipes. All ideas to help you pack for the journey away from home.

There are things here that children will like, that adults will envy: the kind of thing people will steal from the fridge at work when you’re not looking.

Eat up and enjoy the picnic.

About Ms. TiffinTin: I’m the mother of three hungry boys: an 8 year old (Tiniest Tiffin) in the 3rd  grade and his twin brothers (the Tiffin Twins), who are twelve and in the 7th grade.  I work as a lawyer, and live in the San Francisco Bay area — when I’m not making lunches, that is. I have another blog for my other passions: writing, books, food, and the occasional nifty stationery item. It’s called BlogLily.

Written by lillian hamrick

June 19, 2006 at 7:52 pm

6 Responses

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  1. The delights of the web! I heard the phrase Tiffin Tin for the first time yesterday. This was in the grounds of a thatched cottage at my friend’s son’s christening here in the UK. Now I’m writing to a lawyer in SF wondering what caused her to blog on this subject.

    John Dodds

    September 3, 2006 at 11:59 am

  2. Welcome John — Oh, I’m just a weird, obsessive person, I suppose. I love to eat and to cook and daily lunch preparation for my boys and for myself is an extension of that. It’s also a wonderful way to record what life in our house is like right now. It goes by so fast, and I’d like to have a sort of daily snapshot of it, which is what this blog does. Best, Lily


    September 3, 2006 at 12:53 pm

  3. Hi! It’s the first time I visit your blog. I think this Tin Tiffin site about lunch boxes is a great idea. Have a great day!

    Erica Johansson

    April 8, 2007 at 3:04 pm

  4. I meant Tiffin Tin of course.

    Erica Johansson

    April 8, 2007 at 3:04 pm

  5. Hi
    This is our first time on your site although we got here by accident. We were actually looking for the tiffin tin, an Indian restaurant here in North London. Anyway keep up the good work, we’re off to eat.


    October 27, 2007 at 10:23 am

  6. Dear Barry, Although I know you are long gone, and I was not at home when you came by, Ijust wanted to tell you that I am indeed keeping up the good work and I hope you had a great dinner at the Tiffin Tin, in North London, which I plan to visit next time I am in London, a city I love.

    Dear Erica, You are such a lovely woman to have left this comment. Yes, it’s a year later. But I am still sending good vibes your way and many thanks for having such nice blogging manners.

    With love,



    May 30, 2008 at 1:18 pm

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